Universal Intelligence?

This is What I Know… Your mindset is at least 80 percent of the outcome. Just like arriving to your first therapy session is 80% of the work- for real. It's hard to believe this but our minds are very powerful things. All you have to do is take a look at some amazing stories that seem humanly impossible and you can see it; Monks in India who are wrapped in wet blankets and meditate in the cold and can raise their core body heat to dry, yes I said dry the said towels, or the recent news story of the teen girl who went to go ask her father for the car and he was pinned under it. What did she do- lift it- no big thing. Or even the simple research experiment of test taking and cell phones. Three scenarios; high schoolers taking tests with phones facing up sounds off, phones facing down sounds off and the third group, phones away in bags- no sounds or images. Can you guess which group gets the best test scores? Enough said.

These are some examples, and yes some have other factors involved but if we are working to have just a smaller shift in our own mindset perhaps we can start thinking the way we want our reality to be. When we say, "I'll never find someone to love me", guess what? We have just primed our brain (which loves to make deep grooves and patterns that are hard to dig out of) to be open to "not being loved", and will then highlight all those experiences to prove it. So that online date that didn't work out? See, that is proof I'm unlovable. Is this sounding like Universal Intelligence? Well it is, and we have all had those moments, right? You thought of someone you haven't heard from in a long time, and bang she calls you. You are watching your favorite team play (i.e Boston Red Sox) and you must wear your hat a certain way, and not jinx them in the 9th inning by hearing the announcers say they got this- so you turn off the volume. So what are you believing in there? You are believing in something, some force, beyond our measly old selves that is attuned to a higher power. Our senses are great but we receive messages beyond those 5 fabulous senses all the time. Can you see electricity and gravity? Not really but you believe in those right?

​Universal Intelligence is energy, and everything is made up of energy. I challenge you to start harnessing your energy and observe your thoughts- are they for your highest good? If not you may want to start reframing some of those thoughts. This is why people say- change your thoughts change your reality.


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